New Look 3886

New Look 3886SUGs  It’s been such a miserable day today I thought I would finish this supposedly easy to make summer top and cheer myself up dreaming of wearing it somewhere nice and warm.  Well it worked, I feel very pleased with myself for not chucking it in after great problems with gathered seams and rubbish hemming with snarled up stitches on the sewing machine.

With camisole top Top FrontEvery time I get seduced by wonderful fabrics; this silk was from India and such a gorgeous colour, and I regret it later.  But I reckon it worked out OK.

In the end I made the hem using the cover lock and used the over lock to neaten the seams.  Getting it to sew without tension problems was a bit of a mare though! A couple of seams had to be ripped out and redone, but it was worth it!

Lucky old me had a camisole top which looks great underneath and I found the bow in my button stash, so I can feel virtuous too now! The silk top must have cost £5 to make, the pattern has been used several times and the silk was so inexpensive in India.

Australian Miniature Artist, Bessie Golding

self miniature

DSC00866 Bess Golding


miniatures1 (1) The two miniatures on the left of the top photo were painted towards the end of Bess Goldings’ life.  My father is painted as a young boy in the bottom right miniature of the group of three.














This post is something different for me and perhaps I should have added it to the “Travel” Category as I shall be visiting Australia this year and I’m so excited about the whole event! But there is a reason why I am blogging a travel story before I travel.

One reason for our visit is that my paternal grandmother Bessie Golding lived and worked as a miniature artist in Melbourne Victoria.  I would love to find out if anyone knows of her work or even has an example hanging about somewhere! I know its a very long shot!

Bess Golding left England in 1914 with her two small children to follow her husband who had travelled ahead.  Sadly her husband died soon after she and the children arrived, and she was left to bring up her family alone. The small family lived in the Kew area of Melbourne, Victoria between the years 1914 to 1936, and moved to various addresses in Kew and Yarra whilst there.  My father attended the local Trinity School Kew.

She had many miniature commissions, and  in 1925 one from the Countess of Stradbroke in  Melbourne.  Bess also held several exhibitions of her work, one in the Oriental Hotel Collins Street alongside another artist Margaret F. McLean, and taught art at the Margaret College.

Bess Golding  made her living painting miniatures of children but was also was a good water colour artist.  Unfortunately I do not  have any of her water colours.  I know a few pieces of her work have gone through Australian sales rooms so I am really hoping I shall have some luck with this ” shot in the dark” as it were!

Since writing the above I have had a bit more information given to me by my youngest sister who has inherited my Grandmother’s artistic genes and knows far more about the subject than me!  Apparently Bess Golding was a contemporary of these three in who’s work she was especially interested: – MJ MacNally, Harold Herbert and Rowland Hilder.

I have also found this news clipping where Bessie is mentioned in paragraph 5.


Thank you


If there is anyone out there who can help, it would be amazing.

The Island of Aphrodite, Cyprus

We  have been away again and now I want to get back into my other passion, sewing!  But I keep thinking about our latest visit to this challenging Island of Cyprus!  We have been visiting it for about 30 years on and off, and our visits concentrate mainly on the Southern Paphos region, Pissouri especially.

Our children spent three happy years here during their primary school years, and they too are constantly drawn back to visit and renew their memories and have their own experiences with children of their own.

This last holiday we visited Limassol old town, which is now being gentrified with a huge new marina and seafront.  I used to shop for dress fabrics down its main street which we named ” Zig Zag Street” and dealt in Pics and Cyprus Pounds.  Now it is Metres and Euro, not nearly half as much fun!  One of the shops is still there, though for how much longer I don’t know.

We had a spectacular lunch of kebab and salads high up on a ridge overlooking Akamas, a particularly empty and breathtaking peninsular on the eastern coast.  Followed by a cooling swim in nearby St Giorgious bay, perfect!

Aphrodite’s birthplace continues to intrigue me, a fascinating island that is so rich in history that I sometimes wonder why it wants to embrace so completely, all the not so nice aspects of modern day livingSouthern Cyprus in the Akamas regionSAM_3480SAM_3435Perfect day!.

A couple of these photos were taken on previous visits, but I have posted more of my favourite Cyprus shots on Pinterest. Click the button below.

If you would like to know more about the history of Cyprus I really recommend the following reads:- ” Bitter Lemons ” by Lawrence Durrell and ” Journey into Cyprus” by Colin Thubron